Florian Dieterle - Interim Manager, Unternehmensberater, Coach

My philosophy

“Values lead to value”

A lack of differentiation and a low capacity for innovation combined with strong competitive pressure and cost pressure are affecting many companies today.

Sustainable value enhancement is only possible through systematic value management at company, customer and employee level in combination with innovative brand and product concepts. I believe in a revival of enduring values such as optimism, trust, authenticity and sustainability for brand and corporate management. 

At the same time, however, companies are increasingly being forced to throw previous patterns of thought and action overboard.

I support companies in this reorientation and implementation through a holistic consulting approach and special transformation and innovation methods.

I offer the following support services

Clients I have worked for.

“Renewal begins with the courage to think differently”

Positive change through branding, innovation and change management

As a management consultant, interim manager and business coach, I help companies and their teams to realign strategies, business models, brands and product concepts. 

My aim is to break down old thought patterns and thus find broader problem descriptions and new, holistic target images. By smartly combining various existing and new solution approaches and involving relevant stakeholders, sustainable ideas are successfully implemented.

With over 25 years of management and project experience for B2C and B2B, I help to permanently increase the value of brands and customer relationships.

I have been involved in the start-up scene for years, including the development of an online media offering. As co-founder of Foodhub NRW, we bring established players in the food industry together with start-ups at regional level on a voluntary basis.

I also have a teaching assignment for Change Management & Innovation and Digital Marketing at New Bucks University in cooperation with AFUM.

Client References